Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, or BCST, is a holistic hands on practice of noticing and allowing. As a practitioner of compassionate presence, I am a witness acknowledging the body as it expresses itself in health.
Health is movement
Health is always present
I palpate with light touch various states of health through the subtle movement within and movement between bones, muscle, tissue and fluids. I support the body’s inherent wisdom of self-regulation to find balance through stillness. The major systems of the body can rest and reset. This practice supports and amplifies the resilience in a client’s system.

Finding a healthcare provider of any discipline who sees, listens and acknowledges you is important. This is a relationship that requires engagement and receptivity. In order to explore your health challenges with me, it’s important that you feel comfortable and safe. It is my intention and responsibility to provide comfort, safety and confidentiality.
With the help of your healthcare team and the awareness of your own resources, you begin to move through your challenges at your own pace appreciating every texture in its time. True embodiment is about noticing, feeling and appreciating that your struggles, traumas and subsequent patterns can teach you how to live more freely.
A session is about 45 – 60 minutes in length and you are fully clothed. There is no preparation required. There is a brief introduction where any pertinent health related issues may be shared. You may drift deeply into a relaxed state but communication is ongoing and welcome during the session.
If you are unable to meet in person, I also offer something I call field work, or energy field work. This means the relational field between us is accessible no matter what the location. Ask for details.
Each of us has to find our own way to wellness, in our own time, and by making our own choices. I welcome you to consider BCST and my contribution as an integral part of your health care team. Please note BCST is not a substitute for medical treatment.
I began my studies more than twenty years ago with Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, the Radiance Technique, Medical Intuition and Craniosacral Therapy. I offered these skills and practices to clients with acute, chronic and palliative needs. I continue to pursue excellence in care, treatment and education. I am currently certified and registered as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in British Columbia. I live on Vancouver Island.
All human beings share in the relational field physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Our ability to be in the present moment in a shared field of unconditional love is deeply healing. Me becomes we, mutual and reciprocal. As I heal so too shall I heal. With that end, the means is worthy of every step toward individual and collective health. I truly believe we are all here to help one another.
With respect and gratitude, I enjoy the opportunity to live and work on the unceded lands of the W̱SÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, and Tseycum) peoples.